Maryland Hay Bank Expands!

MARYLAND HAY BANK IS EXPANDING … and we need help from Western MD hay farmers!

Maryland Fund For Horses’ Hay Bank needs a barn in Western Maryland to stage and store 200 small squares of hay for the 2021-2022 winter season.  MFFH provides “safety nets” for temporary help with feed, hay and health care for horses when their owners experience hardships like job loss, illness/injury, etc.

If you can help us make emergency hay more accessible for Western Marylanders, please reach out by e-mail to:‬ [email protected] with details of what you can offer, or call (410) 861-0406.

A location between Hancock and Cumberland is ideal, but we’re willing to consider other communities. Please contact us if you’re interested in storing hay for us. We prefer to have donated space, for which we will provide a donation receipt in the amount of reasonable  rental value, to be used as documentation for a charitable deduction.

Please help MFFH to help your neighbors and their horses. Thank you!